
2015.2.21 Skill-up session スキルアップセッション

説明 【AFL JAPAN video】スキルアップセッション第2回は、前回練習した基礎スキルをもとに、リード、タックル、ボールの回し方などの発展スキルを、プレーを区切って確認しながら練習しました。 YouTube上で見る。
カテゴリAFL Japan video
コメントWe held the second training for improving skills this week secondary to the last time. On Feb. 21th, the training this time held at Kujiunane ground, Tamagawa includes training of the scene with individual circumstantial judgment based on the basic training last time. We also practiced the basic trainings of tackle, lead mark from ball position and up with touching the ball. During the game sense training, we played a handball game and the keeping hand pass and/or kick dividing between offence and defense. We stopped the training again and again and confirmed how to pass the ball effectively. During the cool down at the last, we did training to support team mates for recreation thinking techniques and skills. The training for improving skills 2015 will end on the next training. We hope to practice more developing motion including what we have done.